Episode 32: A Journey of Self-Care: Realigning with Core Values

They say I changed

What a pity if I stayed the same

Solange Knowles, Don’t Wish Me Well


In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves overwhelmed with ambitious objectives and the demands of personal and professional lives. This constant race against the clock can sometimes cause us to lose sight of our true aspirations and core values. It’s essential, however, to remember that life's journey is not about sprinting toward the finish line but about embracing the changes along the way and realigning our goals to reflect our evolving circumstances.

The Black Woman in Bloom podcast episode 32, "A Journey of Self-Care: Realigning with Core Values," emphasizes the importance of pausing, reassessing, and realigning our pursuits. The episode underlines that it's not about stepping back from your goals but rather aligning them with what truly matters to you emotionally and spiritually.

Your podcast host, TaReon Jael, a Certified Health Educator and Medical Lab Scientist, discusses the need to reevaluate goals midway through the year. Many of us set ambitious goals at the beginning of the year, and by the time we reach mid-year, we wonder what we were thinking. Life changes, personal and professional responsibilities pile up, and we might feel burnt out.

This episode serves as a reminder to return to our core values because aligning our intentions and goals with these values can motivate us to keep going.

The podcast is excited to bring an upcoming series to empower listeners to realign, refresh, and stay committed to their wellness journey.

If you're not part of the community yet, you can join by clicking HERE and receive all the latest updates and resources.

Listen in to Episode 32 and join us for the upcoming summer series.

Remember to download your FREE workbook, which I designed to help guide you through a personal vision-casting and goal-setting journey. We'll start by decluttering to make way for a refreshed vision and clearer goals. Then we'll focus on your top goals for the next six months. This workbook is sure to encourage you on your self-love journey.


Episode 33: Embracing Life's Seasons: Growth, Resilience, and the Final Reflections of Black Woman in Bloom


Episode 31: Exploring Transactional Modesty, Body Liberation, and Adultification: A Deep Dive into Black Women's Liberation with Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons